Scalability, Availability and Failover Guide

Scalability, Availability and Failover Guide

MyOperator is a cloud-based call management solution and hence scalability is designed to the very core of it. Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged to accommodate that growth.

MyOperator is designed for scalability which be classified and measured in various dimensions, such as:

Administrative scalability:

The ability for an increasing number of organizations or users to easily share a single distributed system.

Functional scalability: 

The ability to enhance the system by adding new functionality at minimal effort.

Geographic scalability: 

The ability to maintain performance, usefulness, or usability regardless of expansion from concentration in a local area to a more distributed geographic pattern.

Load scalability: 

The ability for a distributed system to easily expand and contract its resource pool to accommodate heavier or lighter loads or number of inputs. Alternatively, the ease with which a system or component can be modified, added, or removed, to accommodate changing load.

Generation scalability: 

The ability of a system to scale up by using new generations of components. Thereby, heterogeneous scalability is the ability to use the components from different vendors.

Two levels of scalability

MyOperator offers two levels of scalability i.e. Vertical & Horizontal.

Vertical scalability

Vertical scalability allows customer to increase the load per account. MyOperator at the date can handle upto 9900 users per account and 4M call minutes per day. At any given point we maintain >55% of capacity as reserved for unexpected usage peaks, in all customer account combined.

Horizontal scalability

Horizontal scalability allows customers to scale number of accounts. MyOperator has a limit of handing 1.073Billion users in all account combined. But this doesn't seems practically achievable.

Horizontal scalability is real-time through in case of vertical scalability beyond the buffer usage may take fortnight of time and hence all additional usage beyond 1M call minutes a day should be informed in at least fortnight advance. Though for gradual increase our team maintain the buffer keeping the reserved capacity >55%.
For data and media storage we use horizontal scalability making the capacity practically to be infinite.

Three levels of failover

Level 1:

MyOperator is running its system through 9 data centers spread across 9 different regions making it easier to both scale and stay fail safe. These data centers acts as load distribution center and provide failover for other regions.

Level 2:

Each data centers consist of multiple node servers adding to second layer of scalability and failover. Whenever one server fails load is transferred to other node servers in the real time making it failsafe at data center level. Further each servers are deployed with RAID 1 to ensure data safety at server level.

Level 3:

At MyOperator we utilize PRI from multiple telecom operators to ensure backup during downtimes with telecom provider. Though failure of the front numbers cannot dealt with this option as portability of front number do not happen in real-time.

Other important points for scalability and failover to note:
  • The MyOperator call engine is designed to keep it failsafe from local or data center level internet or network failure. The engine in case of failure utilize data from the cache at server level. Even the data generated are stored locally till it regain internet connectivity to send the data to cloud servers. This feature is termed as offline mode and prevents primary call service from getting down due to internet or network failure.
  • The data is stored on multiple type of database to ensure failsafe at storage. Even each database is maintained on multiple servers and zone with horizontal scaling capability.
  • Call server act as slave node and hence failure of one is totally isolated from the rest process making the overall system immune to local failovers.

P.S.: MyOperator is cloud based multi-tenant system and hence the system process and capacity are subjected to change over time without any notification. Though such changes are done keeping in mind not adversely impact any customer.